(En WEBGL jugar en pantalla completa)

Quina CATàstrofe!

Joc desenvolupat en 2 dies durant La Gameja: Navideja tres(2+1)

L'Atet ha començat amb molt mala pota aquest 2024, l'ha deixat el Marrameu i l'han fet fora del KFC (Kitten Frying Cats) per culpa d'estar capbaix tot el dia. La fi de mes ha arribat i el nostre protagonista no té Meowdòlars per a pagar l'arrendament al Sr.Bigotis.

Ara, el seu futur i estabilitat financera pengen d'un fil, per tant, l'Atet ha decidit apostar el poc que li queda en el nou Casino/Arcade de la ciutat: CATàstrofe! Acompanya a aquest jovial i despreocupat gat a arriscar-ho tot amb la possibilitat de guanyar-ho tot.

Ja ho diu el dit; qui no s'arrisca no pisca!


1r Minijoc: 
  • SPACE: Parar el tren
2n Minijoc:
  • WASD : Move
  • SPACE : Jump
3r Minijoc:
  • LeftClick: Interact
  • SPACE : Parar la ruleta

Desenvolupat per:

-Saray Teodoro 👹

-Júlia Monells😸

- Arnau López🤓

-Carlos Molina👣

-Roger Arboles🎄

-Alejandro Moyano🦧


(In WEBGL play in full screen)

English Version

What a CATastrophe!

Game developed in 2 days during La Gameja: Navideja tres(2+1)

The Atet has had a very bad start this 2024, he has been dumped by the Marrameu and has been kicked out of the KFC (Kitten Frying Cats) because of being crestfallen all day long. The end of the month has come and our protagonist has no Meowdollars to pay the lease to Mr. Bigotis.

Now, his future and financial stability hang in the balance, so the Atet has decided to gamble what little he has left at the new Casino/Arcade in town: Catastrophe! Join this jovial and carefree cat to risk everything with a chance to win it all.

As the saying goes; who doesn't risk it doesn't step on it!


1st Minigame:
  • SPACE: Stop the train
2nd Minigame:
  • WASD : Move
  • SPACE : Jump
3rd Minigame:
  • LeftClick: Interact
  • SPACE : Stop Roulette


Quina CATàstrofe!.zip 45 MB

Install instructions




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